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Spur Gears :
The company manufactures durable and highly efficient spur gears upto 5000 mm OD 50 Module in Cast Iron & Steel (Single, Double & Multi Starts) for Cranes, Material Handling Equipment, For Cement plants, Sugar plants, Chemical plants and Mineral Processing Plants, Coal Handling Equipment, Steel Rolling Mills & Petrochem sectors. They connect parallel shafts, have involute teeth that are parallel to the shaft and can have internal or external teeth. They cause no external thrust between gears. They are inexpensive to manufacture. They give lower but satisfactory performance. They are used when shaft rotates in the same plane. The main features of spur gears are dedendum, addendum, flank and fillet. Dedendum cylinder is a root from where teeth extend, it extends to the tip called the addendum circle. Flank or the face contacts the meshing gear, the most useful feature if the spur gears. The fillet in the root region is kinetically irrelevant.